Communication is our specialty.
You can trust us to be the mediator between you and your audience because we understand that for every audience, there is a new and exciting way to get through to them. That is why at the start of every campaign, we carefully draw a profile of your customers: Who are they? Where do they live? Whom do they trust? What makes them tick? Getting down to the nitty-gritty of the who enables us to answer the how.
At Rollins Communications, we understand that this is a business. Click through rates are vanity metrics until they yield a desirable, tangible result. Whether it’s increased sales, votes, engagement or whatever may drive your ambition, we set intentional goals early so that the return you receive justifies precious time and money spent.
A total access company
The importance we place on communication transcends into our relationship with you, the client. At Rollins Communications, we are committed to maintaining 24/7 correspondence, because we realize that you have needs beyond the normal 9-5. This means that you never have to wonder if campaigns are going to be executed after approval. It means that you never have to fret about invoicing and if there are errors or mistakes. Put simply, service in the professional world can be hard to find, but at Rollins Communications, we have the basics covered.

Let’s Get Started! Call us today at (918) 671-4243.

Meet Todd Rollins
Both the founder and the face of the company, Todd Rollins has led a storied career where he has traversed across multiple industries in the business world to build an extensive portfolio, becoming an expert in media buying, marketing and sales. Todd has developed lasting relationships over time with clients and partners to form a diverse and reliable network of individuals. Since 1996, Todd’s breadth of experience and relationships has laid the foundations for the versatility of operations at Rollins Communications, fostering a team that is known for going the extra mile in consultation, customer service and producing the best and most cost effective tools for marketing and advertising.